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Pluripotency, Disease model and Tissue Regeneration

Our primary research focus revolves around deciphering the complex cellular signaling networks within pluripotent stem cells during early embryogenesis and stem cells through transient dedifferentiation during tissue injury. Our research utilizes state-of-the-art gene editing techniques to create disease model cells derived from human pluripotent stem cells and correct pathogenic mutations in patient-derived induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs). This comprehensive approach (disease in a dish) aims to investigate the molecular mechanisms underlying pathogenic phenotypes. Moreover, you employ advanced gene editing tools like base editors and prime editors to facilitate the functional recovery of genetic disease models derived from stem cells, both in vitro and in vivo. Our research endeavors hold the promise of providing critical insights into potential therapeutic strategies.
협력 연구실

이미옥 박사
한국생명공학 연구원
줄기세포 연구센터

김주미 교수
숙명여자 대학교 약학대학
줄기세포 첨단바이오의약 연구실

권옥선 박사
한국생명공학 연구원
유전자 세포치료 전략 연구단
저널 클럽
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